Studio & Design Director, Fluent for Business Application Platform : Microsoft


  • Studio Leadership
  • Manage international studio
  • Control and Components Library
  • UX Patterns for Enterprise
  • Visual & Design Direction
  • Illustration and Iconography
  • Product Branding
  • Guidelines and Audits

Empowering designers and developers to craft immersive product experiences.

I led a cross-disciplinary design studio driving innovation behind Fluent for Business and Enterprise Applications. Fluent stands as Microsoft’s flagship Design System, an open-source, cross-platform framework empowering designers and developers to craft immersive product experiences, complete with an unwavering commitment to accessibility, internationalization, and top-tier performance.

A functional Design System for modern enterprise and business applications

Spearheaded initiatives encompassing identity, visual aesthetics, content strategy, UX controls, components and pattern guidance.  A collection of UX frameworks for creating beautiful, cross-platform apps that share code, design, and interaction behavior.

Fluent 2 for Business Applications

Fluent 2 for Business Applications, a cutting-edge framework prioritizing accessibility, decision trees, content layout, and dynamic variations. With a strong focus on inclusivity, Fluent 2 ensures a seamless user experience for all. Leveraging advanced decision trees, it optimizes user pathways, enhancing efficiency. The framework redefines content presentation and layout, offering adaptability for diverse user preferences and devices.

Product Branding

Dynamics 365 and Industry Cloud Solutions product branding and iconography.  Comprehensive usage guidelines for all form factors and usage needs.

Power Platform branding

Power Platform and all products within, were redesigned to fit the latest design system and visual guidelines.  Every logo was designed to be accessible yet memorable and complementary to the other products in the family.

Fluent Illustration System for Business Applications

Within the visuals department of the studio I led, one of the key deliverables was an updated illustration design system designed to converge Fluent the Microsoft brand and the particular requirements that business and enterprise software have.

Power Platform Products homepage redesign

Spearheaded a Business Applications Fluent initiative tasked with redesigning and modernizing the homepages of the Power Platform suite of products (Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Pages). The goal was to modernize the UI by incorporating the latest components, most up to date BAP UI patterns and recently released BAP illustration guidelines.  Numerous studies and explorations were done before the final solution was adopted.

Project Stats


Percent increase in overall usage of design system library


Enterprise products supported


Product logos updated to Fluent