Studio & Design Director, Fluent for Business Application Platform : Microsoft


  • Studio Leadership
  • Customer Journey Flows
  • Visual & Design Direction
  • User Experience Design
  • User Research
  • UX Patterns & Components
  • Cross-org collaboration
  • Identity & Branding

Product UX design for enterprise cloud solutions.

I led the UX design studio responsible for building and launching to market the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services, an enterprise cloud solution which brings together capabilities with multilayered security and comprehensive compliance coverage to deliver differentiated customer experiences, improve employee collaboration and productivity, manage risk, and modernize core systems.

Explorations, ideation, research, strategy and branding.

In the project’s early stages, my team took the lead in conducting the initial round of identity, brand, and visual explorations. We delved into UX patterns and visual treatments carefully crafted to harmonize with the overarching Fluent design system. Simultaneously, we aimed to infuse a distinctive quality that not only aligned with the system but also sparked enthusiasm and adoption for Copilot features, showcasing their potential to revolutionize business applications.

Power Automate and Copilot, the early days…

The integration of Copilot into the Business Application suite saw its initial manifestation through the Power Automate Natural Language to Flow feature. My studio, seamlessly embedded within the Power Automate product team, collaborated closely to not only define but meticulously craft the visual treatment, reusable components, and essential patterns essential for the seamless and successful implementation of Copilot.

Power Automate Natural Language to Flow feature

My team has undertaken a significant UX initiative focused on the Power Automate NL2FLOW feature, laying the groundwork for the forthcoming Copilot integration within the application. We have meticulously crafted an interface that not only streamlines the user’s interaction with the NL2FLOW feature but also ensures a smooth transition for future Copilot integration.

Large Language Model features – UX Guidance

Being part of the team that developed the first LLM (Large Language Model) UX Guidance for app features was an exhilarating experience, where we pioneered a novel approach to enhance user interactions with language-driven functionalities. Our collaborative efforts resulted in comprehensive guidelines that not only established a cohesive and user-friendly interface but also set a new standard for leveraging language models in application design, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for users.

Input and Output – UX Guidance

In our UX work for providing Input and Output guidance for AI and Copilot features, we meticulously crafted interfaces that intuitively guide users through the nuanced interactions with artificial intelligence. By prioritizing clarity and user understanding, we ensured that both novices and experts can harness the power of these features effectively, fostering a more inclusive and empowering experience within the application.

Visual Treatment Guidance for AI LLM Features

Embarking on the UX journey to provide visual treatment guidance for AI and Copilot features, our focus was on cultivating a visually coherent and informative design language. Through the strategic incorporation of clear visual cues, our objective was to amplify user comprehension and engagement, ensuring that the interface not only showcases the advanced capabilities of AI and Copilot but also maintains accessibility and aesthetic appeal for users at varying levels of expertise.